They used an awkward new opening for the show this week where the judges all pranced across the stage to their chairs. They should call a halt to this immediately. We see enough of the judges without seeing them walk the runway. I also found it interesting that the advice Simon gave to the contestants at the beginning of the show was to not forget the lyrics. Really? It didn't hurt Joanna Pacitti since they put her through during Hollywood week even though she totally botched the words to her song (until they were busted for it and she was sent off into oblivion). For the first week of real competition the producers chose the catalog of Michael Jackson. The judges should be careful about preaching to the contestants about their relevance to today's music scene when they are forcing them to sing songs from someone who hasn't been relevant for 15-20 years. That being said...
The Best
Allison Iraheta - "Give In To Me"
She is the best singer so far this season. Yes, she is better than Lil Rounds who the judges continue to push down our throats. She is so much better than Carly Smithson was last season. This girl is a true rocker chick and she is only 16 years old! I love the gritty quality of her voice. She is so confident when she is on stage (as she should be based on that voice) that I am looking forward to what she can do with future themes.
Kris Allen - "Remember The Time"
With the guitar he has a cooler vibe and seems more in his element. There was a slightly uncomfortable part towards the end when it looked like he wanted to wave his hands in the air to get the crowd involved (with a few bad notes as well) but he pushed through. It is obvious that Paula has decided that he should be her boyfriend. Simon was secretly trying to hook Paula up by mentioning that Kris should not mention the wife. Out of sight, out of mind. Right, Paula?
The Worst
Jasmine Murray - "I'll Be There"
Please don't. Just go away quietly with no more singing. I beg you, Jasmine. It was like watching the talent competition from the Miss Teen USA pageant. Even they would eliminate her from the competition after a performance like this. Just because she is attractive doesn't mean that she can sing (Ricky Braddy deserved her spot). She should go be an actress with Tatianna and never sing again. Ever.
Adam 'Screech' Lambert - "Black & White"
Before this performance I was all set to call him Jazz Hands. That is no longer fitting. His screeching gave me an instantaneous headache. Every performance is annoying and over the top no matter what he is singing. In the beginning of the competition I thought that he was trying to imitate Mick Jagger which is why he was sashaying across the stage while trying to break glass with his super high notes (don't forget the Billy Idol sneer followed by dancing the Axl Rose). Now I know that is just the way he always performs/sings. Ugh. Leave it up to the master manipulators to give him so much praise that he needed a shower from the tongue bath. I obviously watched a different show or my ears are no longer working because I just didn't see and hear what the judges did. Also, Paula mentioned being "mind boggled" by his performance. No, Paula. That's the meds doing that (and to think I thought you might be able to be somewhat coherent this season in an attempt to save your job).
Jorge Nunez - "Never Can Say Goodbye"
Not a great song to start with and poor Jorge did a really bad job with it. If he sticks around then he should try to do a better job of picking his songs. Like Scott, he needs a major makeover (wax those eyebrows please!).
The Rest
Lil Rounds - "The Way You Make Me Feel"
She sings better than this performance. It was over the top and not all that great. She was also wearing a dead animal on her left shoulder. Despite it all, she was predictably praised by the judges and according to them on her way to the finals with Adam and Danny.
Scott MacIntyre - "Keep The Faith"
Scott seems like a really nice guy and I know that he is facing obstacles that the other contestants aren't. That being said... he has a tendency of dropping notes midway through. He gets away with it because of his disability but they would call others on it. He is a better piano player than singer. I found it interesting that Simon told him that you can't be artistic on the show. Well Simon, David Cook took some artistic liberties last season and I think they paid off for him (not that Scott is in David's league). Scott also needs a complete makeover prior to the show next week. Art Garfunkel hair has got to go.
Danny frickin' Gokey - "P.Y.T."
This was the song that I was hoping Anoop! would be able to sing. Of course, Danny ganked it from him. The beginning was absolutely heinous. He shouted the rest at us while dancing badly. I was not impressed but the judges did not get my memo.
Michael Sarver - "You Are Not Alone"
Poor Michael is just not very at ease on stage and it shows. He was not the worst but being a nice guy is only going to get him so far in the competition. Though, maybe I have it wrong. Randy seems to think he is one of the best.
Anoop! - "Beat It"
When they announced what he was going to sing, my first thought was that is was either going to be awesome or a complete disaster. In actuality, it was neither. It was a little karaoke but I enjoyed it. It wasn't painful but based on the judges comments they have never heard anything worse. I can't figure out why they are trying to get him booted already though I did do my part to try to keep him on the show. :) Anoop!
Megan Corkrey - "Rockin' Robin"
This was very odd. She is not a horrible singer but the dancing is just not acceptable and she can't seem to help herself. She then decided to end her performance by making bird sounds and I thought Howard Dean had rushed the stage. That made it even worse. Ricky Braddy or Junot Joyner should have had her spot. She has not proved deserving. Rant Extra: Translation of comments that Gordon Ramsey made from the audience concerning her performance: "That was bleepin' bad, Donkey! What were you thinking! I should put you in the bin! Get out! Bllllllleeeeepppppp!"
Matt Giraud - "Human Nature"
The piano is back! He was really good tonight until he busted out the falsetto. I am really not a big fan of that. I have, however, been a fan of Matt since the beginning and am very glad that he redeemed himself from the Coldplay incident. I did not need to hear additional pimping of Adam during the judges critique of Matt though. Good grief!
Alexis Grace - "Dirty Diana"
Huh? She took the judges to heart when they told her to dirty up her image. I don't think her outfit could have gotten any more skimpy and Keri mentioned that she looks a lot like Joan Rivers from the side profile (and she's right!). I didn't enjoy her performance at all but I did think that the judges were unfair to her for saying that she messed up by going over the top when two performances before that they told golden boy Adam that in order to do Michael Jackson right you had to be over the top. Which is it? Or are there different rules for Adam, Danny and Lil than everyone else?
Should Go
Jasmine, Jorge or Michael
Will Go
DialIdol Predictions
Safe: Danny, Screech, Lil, Alexis and Anoop!
Bottom 3: Jasmine (yes!), Allison (What!) and Jorge