This was the hardest Rant to write this season because at this point I have stopped caring. I dreaded the competition this week as I would a trip to the dentist for a root canal and AI was just as lame as I knew it would be. Randy continued to prove that he should be fired from the show by attempting to convince the audience that "this is the most talented bunch of singers" Idol has ever had. Huh? I think we can all agree that Seasons 5 and 7 contained the most talent. I can't see where all seven of these contestants would be given a record deal like in Season 5. Kara continued to make Paula look good with her inane comments (and Paula didn't do herself any favors).
Lil - "I'm Every Woman"/Chaka Khan
Lil should not have made it past Hollywood week in the first place. We all know that the judges are the reason that we have had to listen to her caterwauling for the past few months. She should not be on the show and she proves it each week. The difference is that in the beginning the judges kept trying to convince America, and themselves, what a great singer she is. Now they have decided to go mean and be brutally honest with her. Scott was tone deaf and they were nicer to him. Do not get on the wrong side of these judges. They will cut you and then stomp on your bleeding carcass.
Kris - "She Works Hard For The Money"/Donna Summer
This was the only song of the evening that I would consider downloading from iTunes and the best of the night. Go Kris and Allison!
Go Gokey Go - "September"/Earth Wind & Fire
Bad dancing and yelling. Yep, same as almost every other week this season. Danny went to the Lil school of louder means better. My greatest fantasy is that they would both go tonight. And what was up with Danny making a heart with his fingers just after the judges sucked up to him? It was probably some sort of shout out to his wife and a reminder to the saps out there to keep voting for him. Danny should stop pimping and singing immediately. It is time for a real job.
Allison - "Hot Stuff"/Donna Summer
I am not sure if this was the most appropriate song for her based on the lyrics, however, Allison did a great job with it. Now that the producers/judges have finally gotten on her bandwagon there is a small amount of hope that the finale will not be Adam/Danny. Go Allison & Kris!
Adam - "If I Can't Have You"/Yvonne Elliman
Adam made the song his own this week in a stalker "if I can't have you then no one will" kind of way. Paula cried through the entire performance. She was either terrified that Adam was going to do her harm or she need more/less medication. Despite this, she makes more sense than Kara. Adam started in his lower register and was really good then he had to ruin it by screeching. He either thinks the screeching is good (and it's not) or he is being secretly sponsored by a hearing aid company and he is compensated for every ear-splitting note that he hits. I am starting to think he has a sponsor.
Matt - "Staying Alive"/Bee Gees
Matt proclaimed in the early stages of the competition that he watches Idol each season. Obviously, that was a lie. If he did watch then he would know that he should never pick a song about going/staying because undoubtedly he will have to sing it on his way out. Matt started off with a Justin Timberlake vibe and then ventured into Color Me Badd territory. The ending was heinous.
Anoop! - "Dim The Lights"/Donna Summer
I love Anoop but this was really not good once the song picked up pace. He is probably going to go home this week but I am glad that he made it this far. Stupid disco.
Should Go
Lil and Anoop
Will Go
Lil and Matt/Anoop
DialIdol Results
Safe: No One!
Votes from top to bottom: Lil (What?!?!?), Adam, Danny, Anoop, Matt, Kris, Allison
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