Overall this was a pretty rough week for Idol though no where near as dreadful as Downloads week. They had the judges pair off in sets of two to take turns critiquing the Idols which made no sense to me. If you can't manage to have 7 people perform 1 1/2 minutes of a song during an hour long show then you need to go back to school or just cancel the show. There has to be something else that can be cut to allow more time for the judges comments.
Here are some suggestions:
1. Cut the segment at the beginning of the show where we introduce and make small talk with each of the judges. If people don't know who they are by now then they can study up on the internet. It is a waste of my time.
2. Stop all "chats" with Danny Gokey. He doesn't have anything interesting to say and wastes our time. Why even talk about the guitar if he is not going to play it on the show?
3. Don't allow Kara to speak. She doesn't have anything useful to say anyway so just fire her already.
4. Only let Randy speak if he can do so without using the words "Yo", "Dawg" or "Hot". That should pretty much keep him quiet throughout the night because I don't think it is possible. Just fire him too. If we only need two judges to address the contestants each week then it should be Paula and Simon.
5. Only let Paula speak when she has been given and passed a breathalyzer and drug screen prior to the show. When sober, Paula's comments actually make a little bit of sense.
6. Let Simon chain smoke throughout the show so that he won't be so crabby. Since he is usually the most honest, his opinion is the one most people want to hear anyway.
7. Cut the mentor segments. Quentin is a remarkable director who uses music as an extra character in his films but is it really necessary to let a different celebrity come by each week to promote their newest work under the guise of helping the contestants with their songs? Most of the contestants are so arrogant that they aren't going to take the advice anyway which makes it a pointless waste of time.
The Best
Kris - "Falling Slowly"/Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova, Once
Awesome! I honestly did not think that Kris would be as good without an instrument to bolster his confidence. I was wrong. He showcased his fabulous vocal abilities and was truly a stand out. Randy seemed to think that the entire song was "pitchy". Randy is in need of a Q-Tip. It was his second best performance of the season behind "To Make You Feel My Love"
Anoop! - "Everything I Do"/Bryan Adams, Robin Hood
Once again, when I read the spoiler on MJ's Big Blog that Anoop would be singing this song I thought he was done. I was also dejected because I abhor this song and the movie as well. However, once he started singing it was his best performance of the season. He showed control of his vocals and connected to the audience. He has improved greatly over the past few weeks. I know that he does not have a huge following but this performance should have been good enough to keep him around. Anoop!
The Worst
Matt - "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?"/Bryan Adams, Don Juan
This was easily the worst of the night. Bad notes all over the place and he seemed really nervous for some reason. Since I like Matt, I am willing to give him a pass this week in hopes that Lil will go instead but this was a lesson that Matt needs to never forget. Don't ever sing Bryan Adams again. There was no excuse for two of his songs tonight, his schmaltzy stuff sucks and it cursed you with a bad performance.
Lil - "The Rose"/Bette Midler, The Rose
Lil has proved over the past several weeks that she is no Martina, Celine or Tina. Tonight she proved that she doesn't have what it takes to tackle Bette Midler either. It was really not good. She just had to follow up her horrid performance by arguing with the judges. Give it up Lil. The judges are done with you and I am too. Please get gone this week. I am begging you.
The Rest
Allison - "Don't Want To Miss A Thing"/Aerosmith, Armageddon
Allison was a little off this week. It wasn't bad but the song just didn't seem to fit her and didn't really go anywhere. The good news for her is that the judges seem to have finally got the memo that Lil is awful and are finally starting to give Allison the support that she has deserved all along.
Dr. Frank N. Furter - "Born To Be Wild"/Steppenwolf, Easy Rider
Over the top screeching from the start which you all know that I HATED. And what was with the borderline hyperventilation between each verse? The gasping was reminding me of Upchuckuleta. I was just waiting for the lip licking to kick in. He is not a rocker people. He is a drama queen and I am completely over it and the weekly praise that he gets from the judges no matter how good/bad his performance is. Simon did finally call him for his theatrics hence his new nickname on the Rant.
Go Danny Go - "Endless Love"/Lionel Ritchie & Diana Ross, Endless Love
He was ghastly while sitting on the stool but improved when he stood up until he started yelling at us. I am morally opposed to him winning due to the wife pimping and he proved again tonight that the judges should have taken his best friend Jamal over him.
Should Go
Will Go
Lil (please?!?!?)
DialIdol Predictions
Safe: Only Danny is safe
In Danger of Leaving (in order from top to bottom): Lil, Adam, Anoop, Allison, Matt and Kris (What!?!?!?).
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