After the truly awful spectacle that was Downloads week, I was ready to throw in the towel on Idol for good. In spite of this, I was optimistic that the show would be better when the producers started the program without the judges walking out across the stage and my hope did not die in vain. Maybe I will be able to make it through this season after all.
The Best
Allison (4/27/92) - "I Can't Make You Love Me"/Bonnie Raitt
Was this a love song to the fickle fans who will not vote for her for some reason despite her obvious talent? Allison proved why she is the lone hope against the judges picks for the season finale. If everyone out there has used their Q-Tips before the show then they should be voting for her this week and she should definitely be safe this week. If not, then they need to go ahead and crown Adam so they they can put this horrible season out of its misery.
Matt (5/11/85) - "Part Time Lover"/Stevie Wonder
This was the first time that I really liked Matt when he wasn't at the piano. Very solid vocal and, unlike Gokey, he wasn't at all boring. He has the talent and with a little polish he could be ready to realease an album. It seems that the judges are ready to get behind him as well.
The Worst
Scott (6/22/85) - "The Search Is Over"/ Survivor
I actually thought that Scott was much better standing up. Sadly, Scott is just not a good singer. He was flat for the first half of the song and then brutalized the ear drum piercing high notes at the end. He is the new Vote For The Worst pick but, hopefully, they will not be able to stop his exodus from the show.
Kris (6/21/85) - "All She Wants To Do Is Dance"/Don Henley
The arrangement of the song was so strange that it was virtually unidentifiable. I am not sure how he managed to do that with such a well known song. This was also so lackluster that the song felt 15 minutes long. Not good. Luckily for Kris, he as actual talent and should bounce back unless DialIdol has it right (which would be a shame).
Go Danny Go (4/24/80) - "Stand By Me"/Mickey Gilley
Before I critique his performance, I wanted to mention his collection of eyewear. I wasn't aware that contestants were allowed to have endorsement deals while on the show but that is the only reason that I can come up with to explain why he is able to wear a different pair of glasses every time we see him. That gets on my nerves almost as much as Danny himself. He lost points this week for wussing out and picking a song from the 60's. There had to be something that would have fit his raspy vocals from 1980. He, of course, got a tongue bath from the judges anyway but he didn't deserve it. The performance was very boring and I am sure that the judges secretly wish that the producers were not forcing them to say nice things about him. Come on, Simon. Do you really need the money that bad? Call this tool out!
The Rest
Anoop! (12/20/86) - "True Colors"/Cyndi Lauper (no wonder I like 'Noop. He has the same b-day as David Cook.)
When I read the spoiler on MJ's Big Blog that Anoop woud be singing this song I thought that he had already written his ticket home and I began to prepare myself. Once he started singing though, I actually thought this was pretty darn good. He was very solid vocally and his presence on stage was, in fact, strong as well. Hopefully, Scott will get the boot and I will get to enjoy Anoop for at least one more week.
Lil (10/20/84) - "What's Love Got To Do With It"/Tina Turner
I can't believe that I am about to defend Lil Rounds but here goes.... Her performance was not original at all (or that great) but I would like to remind the judges that when Syesha Mercado sang "Proud Mary" last year while wearing a Tina Turner style dress and doing the signature Tina dance they couldn't wait to slob all over her. The Lil Fest is obviously over and they are ready for her to get to steppin' back to Memphis. As an Allison fan that works for me.
Adam (1/29/82) - "Mad World"/Tears For Fears
The first verse and chorus of his performance was really good but someone has apparently told him that screeching is the way to go and he butchered the last half. I love, love, love this song and never want to hear it sung in the key of Mariah again. Ugh!
Should Go
Will Go
SCOTT (please?!?!?)
DialIdol Predictions
Safe: Only Adam is safe
In Danger of Leaving (in order from top to bottom): Danny, Allison, Lil, Matt, Scott, Anoop and Kris.
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