I would like to start by stating that it was painfully obvious that the finale was not going to be as thrilling this year when Melinda was unfairly ousted last week. Melinda versus Jordin would have been an actual competition. With Blake, not so much.
Blake: He started the night with "Bad Name" which as you all know I HATED THE FIRST TIME. It was just as bad this week and was it seemed a lot longer. He followed that up with yet another song from Maroon 5. Last week their lead singer proved that he can't sing so it is appropriate that he loves to perform their songs. Every time he sang "he will..." it was like fingernails on a chalkboard and made my skin crawl. He finished with that sappy tune chosen by the Idol producers for this year, "This Is My Now". Yuck! This showcased his lack of singing ability (even the judges agreed with me). While I will admit that this is definitely not his type of song and therefore a little unfair to him, if he was as unique and talented as all of his fans think he is than he should have found a way to make it work. Beat boxing anyone? Idol contestants from the past had to sing songs that weren't exactly their style but they managed to work through it. I'm sure Bo Bice wasn't thrilled with "Inside your Heaven" but he made it work the best that he could. The difference is that he could actually sing.
Jordin: She started with "Fighter". When they announced that she was performing this I was very afraid. It is hard for most people to take on Christina though she has done it before. I thought she did a great job with it. The judges accused her of shouting but if they have ever listened to a Christina song then they would know that shouting is her style of singing 75% of the time. "Broken Wing" was my favorite performance from her all season and I am glad that she chose this. Yet again she performed it better than the original. Though the beginning of "This is My Now" was a little rough once she hit the chorus she wiped the floor with Blake as I knew she would.
Overall, this year's finale will come down to a battle between a singer and the dialing fingers of teenage girls all over the country. I voted like a demon last night and was not able to get through but about 100 times for Jordin due to busy signals. Hopefully this is a good sign. DialIdol has predicted that Jordin will win. God, please let them be right.
For those of you that watch Dancing with the Stars, Joey lost to Apollo last night. :(
Until next season...
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Idol Rant 5.16.07
This week on Idol the contestants were forced to perform songs chosen by the judges and the producers before singing something they chose for themselves. As usual for the end of the Idol season, Simon has picked his favorites and spent the majority of his airtime trying to swing the public vote. This is why I dislike Simon. He should do what he is paid to do which is judge the performance of each contestant. Yes, Simon we know you want Melinda in the finals. We now know after last night that you want Blake as well. It would serve Simon and the producers right if one of them did win. They might actually sell less records than Taylor Hicks and Reuben Studdard.
Jordin: Despite Simon's crankiness, I thought she did a good job on "Wishing on a Star". I don't understand how he can pick a song for her to sing and then complain about it. I am sure that she did not come up with the arrangement and that the musicians did (probably with suggestions from the producers). On "Hard for the Money", she did well but the song was definitely dated. Of all the songs to choose from, this is what they came up with? Jordin's final performance was of "I Who Have Nothing". This was my second favorite song that she sang all season (after "Broken Wing") and I thought she was absolutely wonderful. Simon definitely doesn't want her in the final so I did my part to make him miserable tonight by voting for Jordin like a demon. I am very glad that she mouthed off to him after her last song.
Blake: "Roxanne" was hideous. He was off key for most of the song and couldn't seem to keep up with the beat. The drop to the knees move at the end was cheesy and what was up with the pointy sideburns? "This Love" contained all of my favorite elements. There was a fake British accent while dancing badly and even some beat boxing. Blake's last song was some horrible mess originally released by Robin Thicke. As we witnessed a few weeks ago on a results show, Robin can't sing. Then again, neither can Blake which he proved last night.
Melinda: Randy, Randy, Randy. Why did you pick "I Believe in You and Me" of all the Whitney songs? While Melinda did a good job and it was good to see her challenged for a change this is definitely not a great Whitney song. She followed this up with "Nutbush City Limits". What? Again, of all the Tina songs this is the best the producers could come up with? She did a great job and I would love to see her try a much better Tina song. For her final number, Melinda chose "I'm A Woman". This was a solid performance and I enjoyed her use of the background singers (and her wink at her background singer past)
Prediction: If there is any justice in the world, Blake will go home tonight. I am a little worried about Jordin though since Simon basically called for her to go.
Dialidol Results:
Melinda = 29.67
Jordin = 27.74
Blake = 27.15
Vote for Joey on Dancing with the Stars!!
Jordin: Despite Simon's crankiness, I thought she did a good job on "Wishing on a Star". I don't understand how he can pick a song for her to sing and then complain about it. I am sure that she did not come up with the arrangement and that the musicians did (probably with suggestions from the producers). On "Hard for the Money", she did well but the song was definitely dated. Of all the songs to choose from, this is what they came up with? Jordin's final performance was of "I Who Have Nothing". This was my second favorite song that she sang all season (after "Broken Wing") and I thought she was absolutely wonderful. Simon definitely doesn't want her in the final so I did my part to make him miserable tonight by voting for Jordin like a demon. I am very glad that she mouthed off to him after her last song.
Blake: "Roxanne" was hideous. He was off key for most of the song and couldn't seem to keep up with the beat. The drop to the knees move at the end was cheesy and what was up with the pointy sideburns? "This Love" contained all of my favorite elements. There was a fake British accent while dancing badly and even some beat boxing. Blake's last song was some horrible mess originally released by Robin Thicke. As we witnessed a few weeks ago on a results show, Robin can't sing. Then again, neither can Blake which he proved last night.
Melinda: Randy, Randy, Randy. Why did you pick "I Believe in You and Me" of all the Whitney songs? While Melinda did a good job and it was good to see her challenged for a change this is definitely not a great Whitney song. She followed this up with "Nutbush City Limits". What? Again, of all the Tina songs this is the best the producers could come up with? She did a great job and I would love to see her try a much better Tina song. For her final number, Melinda chose "I'm A Woman". This was a solid performance and I enjoyed her use of the background singers (and her wink at her background singer past)
Prediction: If there is any justice in the world, Blake will go home tonight. I am a little worried about Jordin though since Simon basically called for her to go.
Dialidol Results:
Melinda = 29.67
Jordin = 27.74
Blake = 27.15
Vote for Joey on Dancing with the Stars!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Idol Rant 5.9.07
Last Wednesday, when they announced that Barry Gibb would be this week’s mentor, I predicted that this theme was going to be disastrous (brace yourself Blake fans). The night was broken up to give two performances for each contestant. If they were going to have each sing twice they should’ve let them sing a different theme on one of the songs or picked a more current artist for them to cover. Barry Gibb was a 70’s icon and a wonderful songwriter, however, his time has passed and most of his songs are very dated (and he is definitely no longer a sex symbol). That being said, here we go…
“Love You Inside and Out”
After the first few lines, which were a little rough, she hit her stride. She has actually improved her stage presence over the past few weeks. This was not my favorite performance but she did a great job.
“How Can You Mend A Broken Heart”
This was a perfect song choice for her. Definitely her style of music. I also would like to commend her for sticking to her guns and leaving out the “loser” part. Without fail, if an Idol contestant sings about leaving then they will (remember Phil just went out in a “Blaze of Glory”).
“Should Be Dancing”
Blake definitely brought the things that I hate about him to this performance with the exception of the British accent. He would have actually had to sing a significant part of the song in order for that to happen. He is taking “suck” to a whole new level. The one thing I would say in his defense as far as Randy is concerned is that Blake did just as much beat boxing last week during his Bon Jovi performance and you thought it was innovative. Obviously, it wasn’t and now you regret creating a monster.
“This Is Where I Came In”
This time Blake decided to dance, beat box, and sing with a British accent. Ugh! I was wondering when the judges would finally ask him to stop beat boxing his performances. At the beginning of the season when they encouraged it, I knew that wouldn’t last. Maybe he has decided he doesn’t want to be on the show anymore now that his boyfriend Chris is gone. His performances last night were his quickest ticket home if not for the votes of teenage girls across the country. Give it up girls he is just not interested.
"Stayin' Alive"
I don't know why Lakisha bothers to ask for advice from the mentors. At this point, we all know that she is going to ignore their advice and do what she wants anyway. While I agree with the judges that it wasn't very good. It definitely wasn't the worst of the night (Blake).
"Run To Me"
I liked her dress (not to get too much into Paula territory when it comes to complementing the contestants). She definitely attended the shouting school of singing though it didn't do her much good since this was a very boring performance.
"To Love Somebody"
Jordin took the first round. I thought she looked and sounded beautiful which is good because...
"Woman In Love"
she attempted to take on Barbra Streisand with her second song which was really not very good. There were some definite pitch problems and she seemed to be trying to sing in too high of a key. Despite that, the final should be Jordin and Melinda. The two best singers on the show.
Prediction: Lakisha or Blake will go. Please, please, please let it be Blake.
DialIdol Results: Blake and Jordin are safe. Lakisha and Melinda are in danger of leaving. Someone needs to put an end to teenage dialing.
“Love You Inside and Out”
After the first few lines, which were a little rough, she hit her stride. She has actually improved her stage presence over the past few weeks. This was not my favorite performance but she did a great job.
“How Can You Mend A Broken Heart”
This was a perfect song choice for her. Definitely her style of music. I also would like to commend her for sticking to her guns and leaving out the “loser” part. Without fail, if an Idol contestant sings about leaving then they will (remember Phil just went out in a “Blaze of Glory”).
“Should Be Dancing”
Blake definitely brought the things that I hate about him to this performance with the exception of the British accent. He would have actually had to sing a significant part of the song in order for that to happen. He is taking “suck” to a whole new level. The one thing I would say in his defense as far as Randy is concerned is that Blake did just as much beat boxing last week during his Bon Jovi performance and you thought it was innovative. Obviously, it wasn’t and now you regret creating a monster.
“This Is Where I Came In”
This time Blake decided to dance, beat box, and sing with a British accent. Ugh! I was wondering when the judges would finally ask him to stop beat boxing his performances. At the beginning of the season when they encouraged it, I knew that wouldn’t last. Maybe he has decided he doesn’t want to be on the show anymore now that his boyfriend Chris is gone. His performances last night were his quickest ticket home if not for the votes of teenage girls across the country. Give it up girls he is just not interested.
"Stayin' Alive"
I don't know why Lakisha bothers to ask for advice from the mentors. At this point, we all know that she is going to ignore their advice and do what she wants anyway. While I agree with the judges that it wasn't very good. It definitely wasn't the worst of the night (Blake).
"Run To Me"
I liked her dress (not to get too much into Paula territory when it comes to complementing the contestants). She definitely attended the shouting school of singing though it didn't do her much good since this was a very boring performance.
"To Love Somebody"
Jordin took the first round. I thought she looked and sounded beautiful which is good because...
"Woman In Love"
she attempted to take on Barbra Streisand with her second song which was really not very good. There were some definite pitch problems and she seemed to be trying to sing in too high of a key. Despite that, the final should be Jordin and Melinda. The two best singers on the show.
Prediction: Lakisha or Blake will go. Please, please, please let it be Blake.
DialIdol Results: Blake and Jordin are safe. Lakisha and Melinda are in danger of leaving. Someone needs to put an end to teenage dialing.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Idol Rant 5.2.07
Like Jordin’s mother, I grew up on Bon Jovi. I attended my first concert in 1987 at what is now Cricket Arena and saw Bon Jovi perform. The love affair with what is now referred to as the “Hair Bands” of the 80’s began. I have not missed a single Bon Jovi show in Charlotte since (we are talking 20 years worth people). I am also a huge fan of Jon. That being said, I admit that I have a hard time hearing a song that I love (and I love them all) being changed to the point that it is almost unrecognizable. This will be reflected in my review of the show (sorry Laura).
The Best: Melinda. I know it may shock some of you that I picked her when I have not held back on criticizing almost everything about her but her singing voice to this point. I imagined that she would find a way to make the song that she sung sound R&B like Lakisha. I could not have been more wrong. She not only sang well as expected but she managed to hold true to the original while actually rocking and looking great. This made her my favorite this week.
The Rest:
Phil: I had my doubts when they announced which song he was singing but he was actually pretty darn good except for a few notes. He has really improved over the past few weeks. I am a little concerned that the main line of the chorus of his song was “going down in a blaze of glory”. I hope this does not prove prophetic. Hopefully, Worsters got out the vote.
Jordin: Very gutsy song choice. This Bon Jovi song was so popular it even got a sequel. I thought the beginning was a little rocky but I was impressed with how she handled the chorus. The hair was a little wild but I kind of liked it. That’s what my hair does if I dry it. J
Lakisha: Though this is a singing competition, I would like to start with how she looked… Horrible! I know why she wouldn’t sit down to talk with Ryan. She was afraid her girdle would cut her in half. I didn’t think it was possible to make a Bon Jovi song sound R&B. Obviously, I was wrong. Believe it or not, I enjoyed the beginning before she started yelling. Although, I will admit that this was her best performance since she sang Jennifer Hudson at the beginning of the season.
Blake: My favorite Idol to hate. My first reaction was, “Oh, hell no! He has got to go!” I don’t care how musically talented he thinks he is. “Bad Name” was the most popular song of 1987, the song that launched a 20 year career for Bon Jovi and it deserves more respect that that beat boxing, jacket flapping, bad dance move performance that it got. I don’t care if the judges want to spend all week giving him a tongue bath. This was absolutely heinous. Based on the clip played before the performance, Jon seemed to agree with me. Ugh! And who dyes their hair to match their shirt? Lame!
Chris: I really liked this performance in spite of a few bad notes. He sounds much better (less nasally) when he projects his voice and belts it out. However, there is no excuse for forgetting the most significant line of “Dead or Alive”. Simon seemed determined to pick the Idols tonight. Chris and Phil did not deserve the harsh criticism that he heaped on them. He is obviously trying to steer public opinion to get the result that he wants for the finale.
Prediction: Lakisha would have been eliminated last week if the producers hadn’t decided to play nice for charity. So, I am picking Lakisha and Chris to go home, however, if it was Lakisha and Blake that would be AWESOME!!!!!
DialIdol Results
Safe: Jordin and Blake
In Danger of being sent home: Phil, Melinda, Lakisha and Chris
The Best: Melinda. I know it may shock some of you that I picked her when I have not held back on criticizing almost everything about her but her singing voice to this point. I imagined that she would find a way to make the song that she sung sound R&B like Lakisha. I could not have been more wrong. She not only sang well as expected but she managed to hold true to the original while actually rocking and looking great. This made her my favorite this week.
The Rest:
Phil: I had my doubts when they announced which song he was singing but he was actually pretty darn good except for a few notes. He has really improved over the past few weeks. I am a little concerned that the main line of the chorus of his song was “going down in a blaze of glory”. I hope this does not prove prophetic. Hopefully, Worsters got out the vote.
Jordin: Very gutsy song choice. This Bon Jovi song was so popular it even got a sequel. I thought the beginning was a little rocky but I was impressed with how she handled the chorus. The hair was a little wild but I kind of liked it. That’s what my hair does if I dry it. J
Lakisha: Though this is a singing competition, I would like to start with how she looked… Horrible! I know why she wouldn’t sit down to talk with Ryan. She was afraid her girdle would cut her in half. I didn’t think it was possible to make a Bon Jovi song sound R&B. Obviously, I was wrong. Believe it or not, I enjoyed the beginning before she started yelling. Although, I will admit that this was her best performance since she sang Jennifer Hudson at the beginning of the season.
Blake: My favorite Idol to hate. My first reaction was, “Oh, hell no! He has got to go!” I don’t care how musically talented he thinks he is. “Bad Name” was the most popular song of 1987, the song that launched a 20 year career for Bon Jovi and it deserves more respect that that beat boxing, jacket flapping, bad dance move performance that it got. I don’t care if the judges want to spend all week giving him a tongue bath. This was absolutely heinous. Based on the clip played before the performance, Jon seemed to agree with me. Ugh! And who dyes their hair to match their shirt? Lame!
Chris: I really liked this performance in spite of a few bad notes. He sounds much better (less nasally) when he projects his voice and belts it out. However, there is no excuse for forgetting the most significant line of “Dead or Alive”. Simon seemed determined to pick the Idols tonight. Chris and Phil did not deserve the harsh criticism that he heaped on them. He is obviously trying to steer public opinion to get the result that he wants for the finale.
Prediction: Lakisha would have been eliminated last week if the producers hadn’t decided to play nice for charity. So, I am picking Lakisha and Chris to go home, however, if it was Lakisha and Blake that would be AWESOME!!!!!
DialIdol Results
Safe: Jordin and Blake
In Danger of being sent home: Phil, Melinda, Lakisha and Chris
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Idol Rant 4.25.07
In honor of Idol Gives Back, the contestants were to pick songs that inspired them this week. In a season that has been accused of having few talented contestants there were some standouts Tuesday night. There was also a total meltdown. This part of the show is when things really get exciting. For those of you who are wondering Vote For The Worst has picked their new favorite contestant and it is Phil Stacey (though they are probably kicking themselves after his first performance as a Worster).
The Best: No surprise here if you read every week. Jordin was exquisite as usual and the best of the night. Her voice was a little shaky with emotion in parts but she built the song beautifully and showed amazing control.
The Rest:
Chris: Quite a few rough notes and he should have left out the runs. This wasn’t his best or worst performance. While watching it live I found it somewhat boring and yes, nasally. During the clips at the end of the show it sounded and looked worse than I remembered. Chris definitely slipped this week.
Melinda: Since she is a professional singer, she, of course, sounded great. Originally, I was shocked that she picked a country song to sing two weeks in a row though once she started singing, I realized there was nothing country about it. She did look good again this week.
Blake: Ugh! It takes tremendous cajones to think you can adequately cover an amazing song by one of the most revered singer/songwriters of all time. I have decided that his performances are better when I only listen and don’t watch. When you look at the screen it is easy to get distracted by the horrible faces he makes while singing. Someone get this boy an upper lip! STAT! Also, what is up with the British accent? I thought he was from Washington state. What almost made me fall out of my chair was when Randy didn’t give him a tongue bath this week. Is this the end of Idol as we know it? Randy is my new favorite judge. J
Lakisha: Ah, Lakisha, where do I begin? For the second week in a row she attempted to sing a song that was recently successful for a former Idol champion. Yet again it was a total disaster. She is no Fantasia. She sang without any passion which Fantasia had in abundance. Maybe if Lakisha had performed Fantasia’s signature bobo dance she would have sounded better. Hey Paula, not only should she avoid emulating the “big” stars of yesterday; she obviously shouldn’t take on Carrie or Fantasia either. Simon was too busy sucking up to her during the first half of the season to notice that she has always shouted her songs. If she really wants to perform a song from a former Idol, she should get her chance tonight to perform “Home” by Daughtry.
Phil: Wow! Martina really lit a fire last week. Phil was actually good two weeks in a row. I applaud his choice of song and was honestly surprised at how well he performed it. Country is definitely his genre even if he puts a pop spin on it. Between VFTW and the regular voting public, he should be safe this week.
My Prediction: Bottom three will be Blake, Chris and Lakisha. Lakisha will go home.
DialIdol Results
Top Three: Jordin, Phil, Lakisha (huh?)
Bottom Three: Blake, Melinda, Chris
Don’t forget to vote for Joey and Apollo on Dancing with the Stars!!!
The Best: No surprise here if you read every week. Jordin was exquisite as usual and the best of the night. Her voice was a little shaky with emotion in parts but she built the song beautifully and showed amazing control.
The Rest:
Chris: Quite a few rough notes and he should have left out the runs. This wasn’t his best or worst performance. While watching it live I found it somewhat boring and yes, nasally. During the clips at the end of the show it sounded and looked worse than I remembered. Chris definitely slipped this week.
Melinda: Since she is a professional singer, she, of course, sounded great. Originally, I was shocked that she picked a country song to sing two weeks in a row though once she started singing, I realized there was nothing country about it. She did look good again this week.
Blake: Ugh! It takes tremendous cajones to think you can adequately cover an amazing song by one of the most revered singer/songwriters of all time. I have decided that his performances are better when I only listen and don’t watch. When you look at the screen it is easy to get distracted by the horrible faces he makes while singing. Someone get this boy an upper lip! STAT! Also, what is up with the British accent? I thought he was from Washington state. What almost made me fall out of my chair was when Randy didn’t give him a tongue bath this week. Is this the end of Idol as we know it? Randy is my new favorite judge. J
Lakisha: Ah, Lakisha, where do I begin? For the second week in a row she attempted to sing a song that was recently successful for a former Idol champion. Yet again it was a total disaster. She is no Fantasia. She sang without any passion which Fantasia had in abundance. Maybe if Lakisha had performed Fantasia’s signature bobo dance she would have sounded better. Hey Paula, not only should she avoid emulating the “big” stars of yesterday; she obviously shouldn’t take on Carrie or Fantasia either. Simon was too busy sucking up to her during the first half of the season to notice that she has always shouted her songs. If she really wants to perform a song from a former Idol, she should get her chance tonight to perform “Home” by Daughtry.
Phil: Wow! Martina really lit a fire last week. Phil was actually good two weeks in a row. I applaud his choice of song and was honestly surprised at how well he performed it. Country is definitely his genre even if he puts a pop spin on it. Between VFTW and the regular voting public, he should be safe this week.
My Prediction: Bottom three will be Blake, Chris and Lakisha. Lakisha will go home.
DialIdol Results
Top Three: Jordin, Phil, Lakisha (huh?)
Bottom Three: Blake, Melinda, Chris
Don’t forget to vote for Joey and Apollo on Dancing with the Stars!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Idol Rant 4.18.07
Like it or not and say what you will but year after year Country week proves which contestants can actually sing any type of music versus the one trick ponies or no talent hacks . This theme always provides an opportunity to sink or swim. This was truly the case last night. It was a good show overall. I was deathly afraid that they were all going to attempt songs by Martina McBride. Many others have tried in the past and it is usually a huge disaster. However, this week my girl Jordin was...
The Best: OMG!!! She took a song that has been butchered season after season and not only made it soulful but better than the original. She built the song slowly before belting out the chorus at the end. Absolutely beautiful! She looked gorgeous though her hair did make her look like Callie from "Grey's Anatomy". This song should be officially retired from the Idol songbook. No one will ever sing it as well again and will suffer much deserved comparisons to Jordin (which they will not be able to stand up to).
The Rest:
Phil: He definitely gets the nod for most improved and surprising performer of the week. There were a couple of bad notes but this was his best performance to date. Who knew he was a country singer? I certainly didn't. I don't know what Martina did to actually get through to him but this was his most charismatic trip to the stage yet. I honestly didn't think he had it in him. Boy was I wrong!
Sanjaya: Tone deaf Sanjaya was back this week. There was NOT ONE GOOD THING about this performance. It took the air out of what to this point had been a wonderful show.
Lakisha: Equally awful. Paula actually got it right. She was screaming at the audience. Carrie Underwood has officially made it now that her songs are being sung on Idol. Fortunately for her, Lakisha made her look really, really good.
Chris: Somehow I knew he was going to sing Rascal Flatts. Despite the accuracy of comments from the judges on parts of the song being sung through his nose, I am going to defend Chris. Gary Vox (singer for RF) sings through his nose on every song they have released (it's worse live) and he sells millions of records, therefore, the criticism was not really deserved. He should have picked a slower song though like "What Hurts the Most".
Melinda: I just knew that she was going to pick something old. I didn't expect her to sing something no one had heard of. We actually looked up the artist that originally released that song. I was from 1999 and sung by a demo singer. Old friend of Melinda's perhaps? This was her best look to date. She showed more personality than usual and sang well.
Blake (Sorry Laura, I hated him this week too!). This was NOT his genre and he didn't fit the part at all. Despite the weekly tongue bath that the judges feel the need to give, he did not do anything original with the song. He did not "arrange" one note. If you listen to country music, then you would know that. Obviously, the judges do not. I thought that he mimicked Tim McGraw poorly. I am sure that he is looking forward to a change of theme for next week. I certainly don't want to suffer through him singing another country song.
Predictions: Bottom three will be Lakisha, Sanjaya and Phil. Lakisha or Sanjaya (please, please, please) will go home.
DialIdol Results
Top 3: Phil, Jordin, Chris
Bottom 3: Lakisha, Blake, Sanjaya
Until next week...
The Best: OMG!!! She took a song that has been butchered season after season and not only made it soulful but better than the original. She built the song slowly before belting out the chorus at the end. Absolutely beautiful! She looked gorgeous though her hair did make her look like Callie from "Grey's Anatomy". This song should be officially retired from the Idol songbook. No one will ever sing it as well again and will suffer much deserved comparisons to Jordin (which they will not be able to stand up to).
The Rest:
Phil: He definitely gets the nod for most improved and surprising performer of the week. There were a couple of bad notes but this was his best performance to date. Who knew he was a country singer? I certainly didn't. I don't know what Martina did to actually get through to him but this was his most charismatic trip to the stage yet. I honestly didn't think he had it in him. Boy was I wrong!
Sanjaya: Tone deaf Sanjaya was back this week. There was NOT ONE GOOD THING about this performance. It took the air out of what to this point had been a wonderful show.
Lakisha: Equally awful. Paula actually got it right. She was screaming at the audience. Carrie Underwood has officially made it now that her songs are being sung on Idol. Fortunately for her, Lakisha made her look really, really good.
Chris: Somehow I knew he was going to sing Rascal Flatts. Despite the accuracy of comments from the judges on parts of the song being sung through his nose, I am going to defend Chris. Gary Vox (singer for RF) sings through his nose on every song they have released (it's worse live) and he sells millions of records, therefore, the criticism was not really deserved. He should have picked a slower song though like "What Hurts the Most".
Melinda: I just knew that she was going to pick something old. I didn't expect her to sing something no one had heard of. We actually looked up the artist that originally released that song. I was from 1999 and sung by a demo singer. Old friend of Melinda's perhaps? This was her best look to date. She showed more personality than usual and sang well.
Blake (Sorry Laura, I hated him this week too!). This was NOT his genre and he didn't fit the part at all. Despite the weekly tongue bath that the judges feel the need to give, he did not do anything original with the song. He did not "arrange" one note. If you listen to country music, then you would know that. Obviously, the judges do not. I thought that he mimicked Tim McGraw poorly. I am sure that he is looking forward to a change of theme for next week. I certainly don't want to suffer through him singing another country song.
Predictions: Bottom three will be Lakisha, Sanjaya and Phil. Lakisha or Sanjaya (please, please, please) will go home.
DialIdol Results
Top 3: Phil, Jordin, Chris
Bottom 3: Lakisha, Blake, Sanjaya
Until next week...
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Idol Rant 4.4.07
I would like to start by apologizing for the very negative slant that this is going to take. Tony Bennett week was a disaster overall and really quite boring. I don't know what I will do with my life once Idol ends for good (how sad is that?) but I truly believe that this year marks the beginning of the end. After the talent of last season and the record number of album releases from that bunch, I expected better this year. I blame the judges. Maybe Simon and the gang are sick of working a few months per year so they decided the quickest way to get a permanent vacation was to pick the most lifeless bunch of morons they could find to compete on this years show. Now, before you all start arguing with me, I will admit that there are a couple of good singers in the bunch but everyone else is mediocre at best.
The Best: Jordin, who was awesome and the only performance of the night that didn't either bore me to tears or make me want to rip off my own ears. She has proven that she can sing ANY type of music and sing it well. She is my favorite to win. If she is kicked off before Sanjaya then I am going to follow the lead of someone else I know and vote Sanjaya until he wins the whole thing.
Everyone Else: I am not picking the worst this week since I thought every other contestant was bad or boring.
Blake: His song was sung better by John Stevens a few years ago. Yes, I said John Stevens. Why do the judges insist on calling everything that he sings hip and current? Guess what Simon? He is boring and really can't dance. As a matter of fact someone should staple him to the floor so that he can't make those lame dance moves week after week. Maybe if he stood still his voice would sound better. I am currently debating whether he looks more like a serial killer or a child molester.
Phil: Not good and boring. Someone predicted that this could be his week to go. They may be right.
Melinda: Yet another week where Melinda Doo gets to perform her very own Broadway show. Even when the theme doesn't lend itself to Broadway she manages to find a way (Gwen Stefani week). Between "Aw Shucks" and Broadway, I have just about had enough. In previous seasons the judges have crucified contestants for having this sound (Clay Aiken anyone?) but God forbid they would ever criticize her. Can she sing? Yes. Will she be a successful Idol if they continue to build her up so that she wins? No. They hitched their wagon to Reuben too and that didn't get them any royalties from record sales, did it?
Chris: The white light pimp look at the very beginning lead me to believe that this week I would get to see something cool from him. I was wrong. He whined through the entire song. He seems to be a nice kid and all but he needs to drop the Justin Timberlake impersonation.
Gina: Gina, please don't take your dressing cues from Haley. She needs the short skirts because she can't sing at all. You don't have to skank out for votes if you pick the right songs and perform them well. You are better than that.
Sanjaya: How much did they have to pay Tony Bennett to say nice things about him? I also was dumbfounded when Sanjaya welcomed Simon to the Universe of Sanjaya. What? When is some wacko going to do us all a favor and take this kid out?
Haley: Yet another pageant performance with "assets" on display. Ugh!
Lakisha: Though this was my favorite look for her, I found the performance lackluster. Like Melinda, she is a one trick pony.
Prediction: Bottom 3 will be Lakisha, Haley, and Phil. Lakisha or Phil will go home. Please let it be Lakisha. I am not going to predict Haley or Sanjaya to go in hopes that it will happen despite me. :)
DialIdol Results:
TOP 3: Melinda, Phil, Sanjaya
BOTTOM 3: Gina, Lakisha, Haley

Vote Joey and Kym on Dancing with the Stars!
The Best: Jordin, who was awesome and the only performance of the night that didn't either bore me to tears or make me want to rip off my own ears. She has proven that she can sing ANY type of music and sing it well. She is my favorite to win. If she is kicked off before Sanjaya then I am going to follow the lead of someone else I know and vote Sanjaya until he wins the whole thing.
Everyone Else: I am not picking the worst this week since I thought every other contestant was bad or boring.
Blake: His song was sung better by John Stevens a few years ago. Yes, I said John Stevens. Why do the judges insist on calling everything that he sings hip and current? Guess what Simon? He is boring and really can't dance. As a matter of fact someone should staple him to the floor so that he can't make those lame dance moves week after week. Maybe if he stood still his voice would sound better. I am currently debating whether he looks more like a serial killer or a child molester.
Phil: Not good and boring. Someone predicted that this could be his week to go. They may be right.
Melinda: Yet another week where Melinda Doo gets to perform her very own Broadway show. Even when the theme doesn't lend itself to Broadway she manages to find a way (Gwen Stefani week). Between "Aw Shucks" and Broadway, I have just about had enough. In previous seasons the judges have crucified contestants for having this sound (Clay Aiken anyone?) but God forbid they would ever criticize her. Can she sing? Yes. Will she be a successful Idol if they continue to build her up so that she wins? No. They hitched their wagon to Reuben too and that didn't get them any royalties from record sales, did it?
Chris: The white light pimp look at the very beginning lead me to believe that this week I would get to see something cool from him. I was wrong. He whined through the entire song. He seems to be a nice kid and all but he needs to drop the Justin Timberlake impersonation.
Gina: Gina, please don't take your dressing cues from Haley. She needs the short skirts because she can't sing at all. You don't have to skank out for votes if you pick the right songs and perform them well. You are better than that.
Sanjaya: How much did they have to pay Tony Bennett to say nice things about him? I also was dumbfounded when Sanjaya welcomed Simon to the Universe of Sanjaya. What? When is some wacko going to do us all a favor and take this kid out?
Haley: Yet another pageant performance with "assets" on display. Ugh!
Lakisha: Though this was my favorite look for her, I found the performance lackluster. Like Melinda, she is a one trick pony.
Prediction: Bottom 3 will be Lakisha, Haley, and Phil. Lakisha or Phil will go home. Please let it be Lakisha. I am not going to predict Haley or Sanjaya to go in hopes that it will happen despite me. :)
DialIdol Results:
TOP 3: Melinda, Phil, Sanjaya
BOTTOM 3: Gina, Lakisha, Haley

Vote Joey and Kym on Dancing with the Stars!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Idol Rant 3.27.07
The top 11 round of American Idol brought us British Invasion night with guest celebrities Lulu and Peter Noone. There was an improvement overall in performances based on last week, however, there were still quite a few bumps in the road. This week also featured "Crying Girl". Can someone please get this little chickie some medication? STAT! When they initially showed her crying, I thought she was strange. When she cried during the beginning of Sanjaya's rendition of "You Really Got Me", it cracked me up and I, like Simon, believed it was because she was being tortured by his performance. However, when she kept crying it got really creepy and I was begging for someone to slap her back into reality. I have since heard that she was crying because she was such a big fan of Sanjaya. This is proof that she has serious psychological issues and her parents should get her help immediately.
The Best: Jordin and Melinda. I usually take notes during the performances each week but I was so caught up in Jordin's performance of "I Who Have Nothing" that I forgot to write. I thought it was wonderful and it was my favorite of the night. I also thought Melinda gave a great performance after she stood up.
The Worst: Haley Scarnato who has definitely been studying at the "Katharine McPhee School of How to be an Idol". It's just too bad that her mother isn't a vocal coach and she can't sing. :) Showing off her "attributes" will not win her the competition though it may get her enough votes from the male population to stay one more week.
Brownie Points: The theme of the night. This was a HUGE improvement over Diana Ross night! At least with more general themes such as this the constants can pick songs that actually show off their talents providing that they have talent.
Everyone Else:
Chris R: Much better when he stands and actually tries to sing. I could live without the vibrato moments though. I had to put up with enough of that last year from Ace Young.
Stephanie: When she sang for Lulu, I got excited because it sounded really good. Unfortunately, when she hit the stage her nerves got the best of her and it was not good at all.
Blake: His lame dance moves HAVE GOT TO GO. If he would cut out the dancing and 75% of the beat boxing his performances would be better. When he just stands and sings he has a great voice (just watch the high notes). This was okay in parts. I definitely did not think as highly of it as the judges did.
Lakisha: I didn't like it and found it kind of lackluster. I did find it interesting that for the second week in a row she did not take the advice of the guest celebrity. I think this makes her look cocky. She did look a lot better this week except for the hair.
Phil: He was much more comfortable this week than usual. He also started better. Not the best performance of the night but I don't know why the judges were throwing him under the bus this week.
Sanjaya: I would like to point out that Ryan Seacrest got to speak the words that strike fear into the hearts of all sane Americans this week when he announced "Up next with something wild - Sanjaya". It was also hilarious that Peter Noone was trying to discourage Sanjaya from singing one of his songs. All things considered, it was his best performance to date though that is not really saying anything.
Gina: It was okay. There were some bad moments. I still think she would sing better if she stopped roaming the stage.
Chris S: Started rough but ended better. Holding the mike stand at the end was a little weird. The best part was the guys in the audience holding the sign that read "Bringing Chubby Back". That was awesome!
My Prediction: As always, Sanjaya should go home, however, since I know that won't happen, the worst performer of the night should go and that would be Haley.
DialIdol Results
Top 3:
Bottom 3:
Chris S.
The Best: Jordin and Melinda. I usually take notes during the performances each week but I was so caught up in Jordin's performance of "I Who Have Nothing" that I forgot to write. I thought it was wonderful and it was my favorite of the night. I also thought Melinda gave a great performance after she stood up.
The Worst: Haley Scarnato who has definitely been studying at the "Katharine McPhee School of How to be an Idol". It's just too bad that her mother isn't a vocal coach and she can't sing. :) Showing off her "attributes" will not win her the competition though it may get her enough votes from the male population to stay one more week.
Brownie Points: The theme of the night. This was a HUGE improvement over Diana Ross night! At least with more general themes such as this the constants can pick songs that actually show off their talents providing that they have talent.
Everyone Else:
Chris R: Much better when he stands and actually tries to sing. I could live without the vibrato moments though. I had to put up with enough of that last year from Ace Young.
Stephanie: When she sang for Lulu, I got excited because it sounded really good. Unfortunately, when she hit the stage her nerves got the best of her and it was not good at all.
Blake: His lame dance moves HAVE GOT TO GO. If he would cut out the dancing and 75% of the beat boxing his performances would be better. When he just stands and sings he has a great voice (just watch the high notes). This was okay in parts. I definitely did not think as highly of it as the judges did.
Lakisha: I didn't like it and found it kind of lackluster. I did find it interesting that for the second week in a row she did not take the advice of the guest celebrity. I think this makes her look cocky. She did look a lot better this week except for the hair.
Phil: He was much more comfortable this week than usual. He also started better. Not the best performance of the night but I don't know why the judges were throwing him under the bus this week.
Sanjaya: I would like to point out that Ryan Seacrest got to speak the words that strike fear into the hearts of all sane Americans this week when he announced "Up next with something wild - Sanjaya". It was also hilarious that Peter Noone was trying to discourage Sanjaya from singing one of his songs. All things considered, it was his best performance to date though that is not really saying anything.
Gina: It was okay. There were some bad moments. I still think she would sing better if she stopped roaming the stage.
Chris S: Started rough but ended better. Holding the mike stand at the end was a little weird. The best part was the guys in the audience holding the sign that read "Bringing Chubby Back". That was awesome!
My Prediction: As always, Sanjaya should go home, however, since I know that won't happen, the worst performer of the night should go and that would be Haley.
DialIdol Results
Top 3:
Bottom 3:
Chris S.
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