In honor of Idol Gives Back, the contestants were to pick songs that inspired them this week. In a season that has been accused of having few talented contestants there were some standouts Tuesday night. There was also a total meltdown. This part of the show is when things really get exciting. For those of you who are wondering Vote For The Worst has picked their new favorite contestant and it is Phil Stacey (though they are probably kicking themselves after his first performance as a Worster).
The Best: No surprise here if you read every week. Jordin was exquisite as usual and the best of the night. Her voice was a little shaky with emotion in parts but she built the song beautifully and showed amazing control.
The Rest:
Chris: Quite a few rough notes and he should have left out the runs. This wasn’t his best or worst performance. While watching it live I found it somewhat boring and yes, nasally. During the clips at the end of the show it sounded and looked worse than I remembered. Chris definitely slipped this week.
Melinda: Since she is a professional singer, she, of course, sounded great. Originally, I was shocked that she picked a country song to sing two weeks in a row though once she started singing, I realized there was nothing country about it. She did look good again this week.
Blake: Ugh! It takes tremendous cajones to think you can adequately cover an amazing song by one of the most revered singer/songwriters of all time. I have decided that his performances are better when I only listen and don’t watch. When you look at the screen it is easy to get distracted by the horrible faces he makes while singing. Someone get this boy an upper lip! STAT! Also, what is up with the British accent? I thought he was from Washington state. What almost made me fall out of my chair was when Randy didn’t give him a tongue bath this week. Is this the end of Idol as we know it? Randy is my new favorite judge. J
Lakisha: Ah, Lakisha, where do I begin? For the second week in a row she attempted to sing a song that was recently successful for a former Idol champion. Yet again it was a total disaster. She is no Fantasia. She sang without any passion which Fantasia had in abundance. Maybe if Lakisha had performed Fantasia’s signature bobo dance she would have sounded better. Hey Paula, not only should she avoid emulating the “big” stars of yesterday; she obviously shouldn’t take on Carrie or Fantasia either. Simon was too busy sucking up to her during the first half of the season to notice that she has always shouted her songs. If she really wants to perform a song from a former Idol, she should get her chance tonight to perform “Home” by Daughtry.
Phil: Wow! Martina really lit a fire last week. Phil was actually good two weeks in a row. I applaud his choice of song and was honestly surprised at how well he performed it. Country is definitely his genre even if he puts a pop spin on it. Between VFTW and the regular voting public, he should be safe this week.
My Prediction: Bottom three will be Blake, Chris and Lakisha. Lakisha will go home.
DialIdol Results
Top Three: Jordin, Phil, Lakisha (huh?)
Bottom Three: Blake, Melinda, Chris
Don’t forget to vote for Joey and Apollo on Dancing with the Stars!!!
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