Going into this week, I had prepared myself for Kris to get no respect and for this to, once again, be all about Adam. Kris winning the coin toss and finally getting back to the pimp spot gave me fleeting hope that it could be a sign of things going his way. After the first round, the judges popped the balloon on the fantasy world that this silly girl has been living in and got back to the Adam pimping that has been going on all season. After all, their choice must win.
Adam -- With his toned down version of "Mad World", Adam finally sang something that I enjoyed the whole way through. One of the judges thought that the fog machine and trench coat gave it a Phantom of the Opera feel. That musical belongs to David Cook, thank you very much. If Adam would reign in the screeching then he might not be that bad. Unfortunately, Adam can't seem to help himself. "Change is Gonna Come" was an over-the-top screech-a-thon that made my ears hurt and he followed that up with the hot mess co-written by Kara Dioguardi called "No Boundaries". This "artistic" garbage doesn't do anyone any favors and caused Adam to hit some wonky notes and was just painful. It also convinced me that Kara should be fired and never allowed to write another song again. This may be the worst winning single in Idol history. Even Randy thought this song was crap though Adam called it "beautiful". Come on, Adam. Don't suck up to her. If you are as good as you think you are then you don't need to.
Kris -- Kris started with an excellent retooling of "Ain't No Sunshine" that was a hard right hook sure to muss Adam's guyliner. This boy is not going down without a fight! He followed it up with "What's Goin' On?" which could go to radio tomorrow and be a big hit. Simon and Randy thought that it was too "light" for this stage of the competition. Well, excuse me fellas, but he didn't pick it. He just killed it. Kris fared better with "No Boundaries" than Adam did but still couldn't help the lame lyrics (which you could actually understand with Kris singing). The judges seemed to be apologizing to Kris at the end for his inevitable loss. I can only hope, and vote like a demon, so that they are proven wrong. Save the Season with a vote for Kris! Follow this link to hear his best performance of the season (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrh0tUSn8FI) which he will hopefully perform again on the Grand Finale.
DialIdol Results
They did not call a winner, however, their current standing are:
1. Kris
2. Adam
David Cook, an actual rocker, will be on Idol tonight! He is supposed to sing a song dedicated to his brother, Adam. I can't wait!
Until next season...
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