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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Season 9 Top 24 Ladies Night

If the girls are supposed to be superior this season, then this may be a long ride to the finale...

Paige Miles ("Alright Now" - Free): If this was the best song that Paige could find out of the "Songs of the Billboard Charts" then she deserves the ouster that she is set to receive prior to the Top 12. This was not good in any way. I obviously need Q-tips because I could not understand why the judges were pimping her and her "strong vocals". Huh?

Ashley Rodriguez ("Happy" - Leona 'Manfred' Lewis): Ashley should know that rule number one is never choose Manfred, Whitney, Mariah or Celine. She should have sung "Battlefield" again (it would have had to have been better). She was better than Paige, barely, but then again Paige was awful.

Janell Wheeler ("What About Love" - Heart): I don't think she could have been more nervous and she really wasn't good. If she wants to stick around she is going to have to pull it together. Dating Tim Tebow will only get her so far if she can't sing.

Lilly Scott ("Fixing A Hole" - Beatles): I am not familiar with this song and it is probably good for her that not many other people would be either. I liked her when I first watched last night but after watching the playback I am not sure if it was really that good or if the first three were so bad they made her look better than she was.

Katelyn Epperley ("Oh Darling" - Beatles): I have to admit I was completely surprised by Katelyn. I really didn't care for her during Hollywood week or her "I'm doing this because my dad left my mom" audition sob story and could not understand why they put her through. I may have been wrong about her though. She looked like a train wreck but she actually has a decent voice.

Haeley Vaughn ("I Wanna Hold Your Hand" - Beatles): Okay, I will admit that it was a little all over the place and there were some wonky notes but I kind of liked this. She has been chosen as the Vote For The Worst pick so she may make it through to next week. I hope so. I want to see her sing another country song. :)

Lacey Brown ("Landslide" - Fleetwood Mac): I know now why she lost out to Megan Joy Cockrey last year. She makes Megan Joy look like the best singer that ever lived. Ewwww! Not good. Just because you have a "unique" voice doesn't mean you should force others to listen to it. She needs to go home this week. I am not sure that I can sit through her singing anything else. Sorry Kara but doing something by The Sundays or Sixpence None The Richer would not have helped her either. Just send her home.

Michelle Delamor ("Fallin'" - Alicia Keys): I liked her version of this song and was grateful that she didn't feel the need to beat us over the head with the booming big notes. Hopefully she will make it through despite the lack of air time that she has had so far in relation to some of the other girls.

Didi Benami ("The Way I Am" - Ingrid Michaelson): There are rumors that she is a plant due to a connection with a songwriter that works with Kara but so far I like this girl and every song she has performed so far. She is reminiscent of Brooke White and I look forward to seeing her again.

Siobhan Magnus ("Wicked Game" - Chris Isaac): Strange song choice and the first two lines, sung in bass, were really not good but she has a pretty voice and tone. I am not sure that she has the look to make it far in the competition (I know it shouldn't matter but we all know that it does to some degree) but I hope that she makes it to the Top 12.

Crystal Bowersox ("Hand In My Pocket" - Alanis): Awesome! I am not sure why the judges were determined to give her a hard time. I thought she was the best of the night and she did it all while playing 2 instruments. To quote Michael Slezak of Entertainment Weekly: "Rock The Sox!"

Katie Stevens ("Feeling Good" - Michael Buble): Katie has a good voice but I didn't enjoy this performance. It was boring and she officially needs to retire any talk of her sick grandmother. I am over it already.

Top 6
Crystal Bowersox
Didi Benami
Siobhan Magnus
Michelle Delamor
Katelyn Epperley
Lilly Scott

Bottom 6
Haeley Vaughn
Katie Stevens
Paige Miles
Ashley Rodriguez
Lacey Brown
Janell Wheeler

Who I would like to see go home
Ashley Rodriguez or Paige Miles
Lacey Brown

DialIdol was down so I do not have any early predictions from them.

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