Oh my God, Dawg! Frickin' Will.i.am, again? For me, for you, for me, the judges have continued their trend of not giving any constructive criticism at all. Not everyone is good every week but you wouldn't know that because we were six contestants in before anyone was criticized and she was not the worst performance to that point so it wasn't even fair. We were obviously hearing things on television that the studio audience did not. Was is me or were at least 5 of the contestants off from the music or overpowered by the backup singers? After 10 years, Idol should know better than to let that happen. If it was just one person then I would blame the contestant but it was obviously a mixing issue with the audio that was being recorded. Yo, yo, yo, this week was a complete let down for me. The "this show doesn't suck as much as it did last season" glow was produced right off of me and by the end of the night I was in a total funk and missing Simon. It is obvious that TPTB still need to tweak elements of the show. They need to start with a judge who isn't afraid of making America mad at them and add someone who was born since 1975 to pick the themes for next year. If it has been done before then it is not eligible for consideration. Period.
Paul - "Old Time Rock & Roll": Paul must have gotten a deal on his suit. He seemed to be having a rollicking good time but I thought the vocal was a little all over the place. To be fair, there are other artists out there that get by with a lot less talent and he is definitely better than that train wreck known as Iggy Pop. The thing that i dislike most about Paul which is the little bit of drunken uncle mixed with a whole lot of chicken foot was out in full force tonight. I was actually grateful when he grabbed the tambourine because then he stopped banging on his microphone and causing that thumping noise. Of course, the judges thought it was an awesome encore at Paul's concert. Whatever.
Lauren - "The Climb": Lauren's performance had promise. She should have sung the stripped down version that was shown in her taped package. She started off well but once the music and backup singers started it seemed off.. There were some bad notes but I decided that I am not going to blame her for the faults with tonight's performance. She is definitely a victim of the mad audio mixer and a lingering cold.
Stefano - "End of the Road": Stefano tells us that he is going to concentrate on his stage performance and make sure that he is entertaining America. He chooses a Boyz II Men song to try to do this. He obviously thinks that his voice is stronger than it actually is. He shouldn't think. In the 10 seasons of Idol, there has been one rule that foolish contestants have broken again and again. Do not prophesize your ouster from Idol by singing about going home or anything along those lines. This should be the end of the road for Stefano despite Steven's claims that it won't be. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in you know where of winning. Pia's fans are sure to be plotting their revenge against Stefano this week.
Scotty - "I Cross My Heart": I actually wish Scotty had stuck with "Everybody's Talkin'" instead of King George. I understand why he chose to change to George Strait but I think he would have done a better job on the Harry Nilsson song. All of the verses were good but the chorus was rough because his voice disappeared when the three backup vocalists joined in. They were overpowering him. Scotty should be able to recover with whatever lame theme is picked for next week.
Casey - "Nature Boy": The second guy to go against the advice of Jimmy. This was much more disastrous for Casey than for Scotty. Jimmy was right that the song was too small for the Idol stage. I think that Casey may have saved Stefano from heading home this week by offering himself up as a sacrifice. Randy thought that Casey brought a whole new vibe to the stage but I don't think that America is ready for a Jazz Idol. Casey, it made me want to cry too and Pia's fans may be out for your blood as well since the judges used her save on you.
Haley - "Call Me": I was not expecting a lot from Haley on this song and it lived up to my expectations. Awesome song but completely wrong for this kind of show. I do want to acknowledge that she was the first, and only, contestant slammed by the judges and it was complete b.s. since this was not the first poor performance up to this point in the show. Since 99% of the voters are girls, I am not sure that her extremely short outfit will help her any but I hope a guy goes home this week.
Jacob - "Bridge Over Troubled Water": Claymates around the world are rejoicing that Clay Aiken has retained his title for owning this song yet again. http://youtu.be/blEEIsGC3zA You could feel the Lusky Stank coming from the first note and it was carried throughout. How far Jacob has fallen...from daring people not to vote for him last week to begging for their votes this week.
James - "Heavy Metal": On what ended up being a sub par evening, this ended up being my favorite performance. I am not going to give the credit for that to James. He spent a little too much time screeching for me. I am going to give the credit to Zakk Wylde who killed it.
Should Go Home:
Stefano or Casey
Will Go Home:
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