The Best
David 'Rock God' Cook - "Eleanor Rigby"
Forget "Wig-Boy" Carrico and Michael Johns, David Cook is the true rocker this season on American Idol. He worked the same magic this week as last by taking a great Beatles song and making it current although I did miss the guitar. He is this season's Daughtry and an early favorite of mine to win it all.
Brooke 'Snow' White - "Let It Be"
She is so much more comfortable on stage when she is playing an instrument. She seemed to really take her song to heart (at one point during the performance she looked like she wanted to cry). She appears to not only really want the opportunities that Idol can provide but to be grateful for every day that she can remain in the competition as well.
Chikezie 'Jacuzzi' Eze - "She's A Woman"
I had written him off last week so I was truly shocked at how well he was able to perform this week. He brought the first sign of life to the show. He was upbeat, entertaining and actually hit the high notes that he attempted. You couldn't really ask for more. I know that he is not the favorite of at least one of the readers but "Don't Hate" - vote for Chikezie. :o)
The Worst
David 'Weezy' Archuletta - "We Can Work It Out"
***SHOCKER*** I couldn't believe how bad he was. He has been a standout so far through the competition but it all fell apart tonight. This is what happens when a contestant tries to follow the advice of the judges. Stepping out of his comfort zone, he chose an upbeat song that he was so incapable of keeping up with that it was impossible for him to remember the lyrics. The fist rule of Idol is that you MUST know the lyrics to your song (or at the very least be good at faking it). Since he has been performing his entire life, there is really no excuse. I thought the judges took it easy on him because they want him to stick around until the end of the season and that is not fair to the contestants that they have crucified in the past for doing the same thing.
Kristy Lee 'Seabiscuit' Cook - "Eight Days A Week"
Country, Pop, Rock, Soul... it doesn't matter. This girl just CAN NOT sing! There were hints of Carmen Rasmussen in her performance and that is never, ever good. She will definitely be in the bottom three and I hope that she goes ahead and leaves for home. Maybe if she leaves now she will still have time to get her horse back.
David 'Private Dancer' Hernandez - "I Saw Her Standing There"
So, is "pizza bistro" the new slang for strip club these days? That is a new one for me. This was a definite mis-step for him. Horrible song choice coupled with shrill singing, bad dancing and his questionable press should see him in the bottom three this week as well.
Ramiele 'Ramamamamalei' Malubay - "In My Life"
Ramiele is hard to figure out. She actually has a decent voice but seems to consistently pick the wrong song. Or, maybe I am wrong and she just has horrible stage presence. It all equates to a mind-numbing, lackluster performance week after week. It was made even more dull tonight because it followed the energetic performace by Chikezie.
Syesha 'not worthy of a nickname' Mercado - "Got To Get You Into My Life"
The problem with Syesha is that she is only good when she is belting it out. Yes Randy, she has a "Big Voice". Unfortunately, she seems to want to pick songs with lots of soft moments in them and when she does it is really not good and absolutely forgettable. I am not really sure why the judges, Simon in particular, felt the need to praise her this week. Fortunately for her, though she was one of the worst, she was not as bad as it got.
The Rest
Jason 'Spicoli' Castro - "If I Fell"
I love Jason but I wish that he would have gone into his falsetto less during this song. His voice is very pure when he is just singing along with the melody. As soon as he goes to the high notes I want to run screaming from the room. I know that it cursed David A. this week, but he needs to bring something a little more lively to the show next week.
Carly 'U2 Can Sell 400 CDs' Smithson - "Come Together"
I must admit to a bias against Carly. I have not cared for her since the beginning of the competition (she usually puts me to sleep). The fact that she is a ringer placed in the competition by Randy Jackson has not helped her cause any either. Believe it or not, I enjoyed tonight's performance until she started yelling at me. The issue that she faces are the looks that she makes when hitting the high "power" notes. Her eyebrows curl menacingly together and it looks like she is giving everyone the 'Stink eye". Quit looking at us that way you Celine wannabe!
Amanda 'Skunk Girl' Overmyer - "You Can't Do That"
The person that helps her pick out her hair and clothing each week should be fired immediately. Given that, she knows who she is and refuses to be anything else. Every song that she sings sounds like a rock anthem from the 70's. I could live without the scatting that she insists on doing each week but this was much better than "Carry On".
Michael 'Hot Aussie' Johns - "Across The Universe"
I am officially throwing Michael over for David Cook. He is pretty to look at but he has not been entertaining for the past few weeks. This was not his worst but it was dreadfully boring. This is a beautiful classic song. I commend him for sticking with the original arrangement - to change it would have been sinful - but it just did nothing for me. Fortunately for him, there were quite a few performances worse than his so he should be safe.
Should Go
Kristy Lee Cook, David Hernandez, Ramiele Malubay or Syesha Mercado
Will Go
Kristy Lee Cook (Please, please, please let her get kicked off. I can't take another week!)
Dial Idol Predictions
Safe: David A., Brooke, Chikezie
Bottom 3: Ramiele, David H., Syesha
Special Thanks to Keri Stocks for brainstorming on the nicknames for each of the contestants with me. :O)
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