The Best
David Cook (1982) - "Billie Jean"
Brilliant!!! David left the guitar backstage this week and used this as an opportunity to prove that he really can sing. Wow, can he ever! The one really long note was absolutely amazing. He could leave the show today and release a hit album within a month. I would certainly buy it. David Cook should definitely be in the final two if this is truly a talent competition and not a popularity or beauty contest.
The Worst
Seabiscuit (1984) - "God Bless The U.S.A."
So, she starts by telling us that she spent her childhood annoying her siblings by singing in the car but they don't mind her singing now. Duh! They have gone deaf from years of abuse to their hearing. She then decided that she would guarantee a stay for next week by wrapping herself in the flag and trotting out a Lee Greenwood staple. Obviously, the judges were rendered deaf during her performance as well. Her best so far? Compared to what?!? Aaaacccckkkk! No More! That is it! Seabiscuit has got to go. Take this pony out out to pasture and put her (and us) of misery or better yet take her to the factory and have her turned into glue.
Ramamamamalei (1987) - "Alone"
This is Carrie Underwood's song. When you pick a song that someone has done previously on the show (and very well I might add) you had better be able to knock it out of the park or you shouldn't bother. She is battling with Seabiscuit to see who can get sent home first. Seabiscuit better win and get the boot. Disaster!
Carly Smithson (1983) - "Total Eclipse of the Heart"
What an ugly dress. The shrieking stink eye was back in full force this week. The beginning was not that bad then the shrieking began. The judges were wrong. This was not a bad song.... she just did not sing it well - at all. This was almost as painful as Seabiscuit and Ramamamadingdong and she really has no excuse to be this bad since she does have previous experience as a recording artist under her belt.
The Rest
Chikezie (1985) - "If Only For One Night"
I was disappointed to see the twang leave this week. That said, I was scared when I saw that Chikezie was tackling Luther Vandross. He was actually pretty darn good. Unlike the judges, I liked the way he worked the stage - it showed a much stronger stage presence than he usually has when singing slow songs. I really like this guy.
Brooke White (1983) - "Every Breath You Take"
Despite the misstep at the beginning, I liked it. I really enjoyed the slowed down almost country version of this song. The only thing hurting Brooke is that she is not a pop artist nor could she ever be. She could, however, have much success on the fringes of popular music. I would love to see a final two comprised of Brooke and David Cook. :O)
Michael Johns (1978) - "We Are The Champions"
Queen is obviously his forte. There were some rough notes at the end but he was really good until he started to lose his voice. His biggest problem is that he is not the best "rocker" on the show and he needs to differentiate himself somehow. One way to do that is to give us solid performances week after week like the one he gave tonight.
David "The Tongue" Archuleta (1990) - "You're The Voice"
After I pointed out last week that he has Reuben tendencies, Keri Stocks noticed that he seems obsessed with licking his bottom lip NUMEROUS times while performing. Weird! I had to put him on "Tongue Watch" this week and I counted 5 times that he licked his bottom lip during this song (and the song did not allow many opportunities for it since it was slightly upbeat). Eeewwwww! I don't know what the teenyboppers see in him when they are losing their junk each week when he comes out but I am OVER IT. He can go ahead and get gone with Seabiscuit. Yuck! ***Try your own version of "Tongue Watch" next week - it will gross you out!***
Jason Castro (1987) - "Fragile"
I LOVE his video packages. He is hilariously stoned during filming (and probably on the show as well). I think he is actually making the smart move by playing it safe each week and sticking with what he knows. He could take the judges advice and step out of his comfort zone but it is usually a disaster when a contestant listens to the judges and they then ream the contestant out for doing what they were told to do. He can sit each week and quietly sing a song while playing his guitar and find himself a spot in at least the top 5. If I were him, I wouldn't change a thing.
Syesha Mercado (1987) - "If I Was Your Woman"
More of the same old, slow build to the power vocal, Syesha. I actually preferred her last week. I do not think, like drunk Paula, that this was the week that she "flipped it". She can also put away the baby crying bit. We have heard it once and didn't need to hear again. Will she find herself in the bottom 3 again? Possibly, if Carly doesn't beat her to it.
Should Go
Will Go
Seabiscuit (Please?!? Is anyone out there listening to me? I truly can not take much more. The only way I could live with her staying is if Carly or David A get the surprise boot this week and that is not likely to happen based on the Dial Idol Results.)
Dial Idol Predictions
Safe: David Cook, David Archuleta and Carly Smithson.
Bottom 3: Ramiele, Jason Castro and rounding out the bottom... Chikezie (No!)
David Cook (1982) - "Billie Jean"
Brilliant!!! David left the guitar backstage this week and used this as an opportunity to prove that he really can sing. Wow, can he ever! The one really long note was absolutely amazing. He could leave the show today and release a hit album within a month. I would certainly buy it. David Cook should definitely be in the final two if this is truly a talent competition and not a popularity or beauty contest.
The Worst
Seabiscuit (1984) - "God Bless The U.S.A."
So, she starts by telling us that she spent her childhood annoying her siblings by singing in the car but they don't mind her singing now. Duh! They have gone deaf from years of abuse to their hearing. She then decided that she would guarantee a stay for next week by wrapping herself in the flag and trotting out a Lee Greenwood staple. Obviously, the judges were rendered deaf during her performance as well. Her best so far? Compared to what?!? Aaaacccckkkk! No More! That is it! Seabiscuit has got to go. Take this pony out out to pasture and put her (and us) of misery or better yet take her to the factory and have her turned into glue.
Ramamamamalei (1987) - "Alone"
This is Carrie Underwood's song. When you pick a song that someone has done previously on the show (and very well I might add) you had better be able to knock it out of the park or you shouldn't bother. She is battling with Seabiscuit to see who can get sent home first. Seabiscuit better win and get the boot. Disaster!
Carly Smithson (1983) - "Total Eclipse of the Heart"
What an ugly dress. The shrieking stink eye was back in full force this week. The beginning was not that bad then the shrieking began. The judges were wrong. This was not a bad song.... she just did not sing it well - at all. This was almost as painful as Seabiscuit and Ramamamadingdong and she really has no excuse to be this bad since she does have previous experience as a recording artist under her belt.
The Rest
Chikezie (1985) - "If Only For One Night"
I was disappointed to see the twang leave this week. That said, I was scared when I saw that Chikezie was tackling Luther Vandross. He was actually pretty darn good. Unlike the judges, I liked the way he worked the stage - it showed a much stronger stage presence than he usually has when singing slow songs. I really like this guy.
Brooke White (1983) - "Every Breath You Take"
Despite the misstep at the beginning, I liked it. I really enjoyed the slowed down almost country version of this song. The only thing hurting Brooke is that she is not a pop artist nor could she ever be. She could, however, have much success on the fringes of popular music. I would love to see a final two comprised of Brooke and David Cook. :O)
Michael Johns (1978) - "We Are The Champions"
Queen is obviously his forte. There were some rough notes at the end but he was really good until he started to lose his voice. His biggest problem is that he is not the best "rocker" on the show and he needs to differentiate himself somehow. One way to do that is to give us solid performances week after week like the one he gave tonight.
David "The Tongue" Archuleta (1990) - "You're The Voice"
After I pointed out last week that he has Reuben tendencies, Keri Stocks noticed that he seems obsessed with licking his bottom lip NUMEROUS times while performing. Weird! I had to put him on "Tongue Watch" this week and I counted 5 times that he licked his bottom lip during this song (and the song did not allow many opportunities for it since it was slightly upbeat). Eeewwwww! I don't know what the teenyboppers see in him when they are losing their junk each week when he comes out but I am OVER IT. He can go ahead and get gone with Seabiscuit. Yuck! ***Try your own version of "Tongue Watch" next week - it will gross you out!***
Jason Castro (1987) - "Fragile"
I LOVE his video packages. He is hilariously stoned during filming (and probably on the show as well). I think he is actually making the smart move by playing it safe each week and sticking with what he knows. He could take the judges advice and step out of his comfort zone but it is usually a disaster when a contestant listens to the judges and they then ream the contestant out for doing what they were told to do. He can sit each week and quietly sing a song while playing his guitar and find himself a spot in at least the top 5. If I were him, I wouldn't change a thing.
Syesha Mercado (1987) - "If I Was Your Woman"
More of the same old, slow build to the power vocal, Syesha. I actually preferred her last week. I do not think, like drunk Paula, that this was the week that she "flipped it". She can also put away the baby crying bit. We have heard it once and didn't need to hear again. Will she find herself in the bottom 3 again? Possibly, if Carly doesn't beat her to it.
Should Go
Will Go
Seabiscuit (Please?!? Is anyone out there listening to me? I truly can not take much more. The only way I could live with her staying is if Carly or David A get the surprise boot this week and that is not likely to happen based on the Dial Idol Results.)
Dial Idol Predictions
Safe: David Cook, David Archuleta and Carly Smithson.
Bottom 3: Ramiele, Jason Castro and rounding out the bottom... Chikezie (No!)
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