They should have done Dolly week years ago. It was great to watch Idol and actually hear songs that I have never heard on the show before (except "I Will Always Love You"). This does scare me when it comes to Mariah Carey week though. Does that mean they will all sing Mariah songs? If they do, then I am not sure I will be able to take it.
The Best
The Best
Brooke White - "Jolene"
I gave Brooke bonus points for sticking to the original version of the song. There were a couple of rough notes at the beginning (and a weird echo from the microphone) but she settled in and the result was almost perfection. This was definitely right up her alley and I really enjoyed it.
David Cook - "Little Sparrow"
No surprise to all of you..... but I loved David Cook! He picked a hard song to sing (especially for a man), and did a really good job with it. There were a couple of bad notes but that is to be expected with the really high notes that he had to hit. I liked the softer quality to his voice and I ALWAYS love him playing the guitar. He should cruise on through this round.
The Worst
Seabiscuit - "Coat of Many Colors"
The Biscuit thought that her performance was going to impress Dolly. What!?! She might have been able to impress her mother (she has to like her since she gave birth to her) but I seriously doubt that Dolly was impressed. Another consistently bad performance from Seabiscuit. Hopefully the boys that are voting for her because she is "hot" will find their dialing fingers immobilized and she will get the boot that she deserves this week.
Ramamamamalei - "Do I Ever Cross Your Mind?"
There were some really bad notes scattered throughout the performance and the beginning was really rough but she wasn't quite as bad as she has been lately. Her performance riled up my dogs and they decided to prove that they could outsing her about halfway through the song though. She is definitely better when not singing up tempo songs. None of that matters though because The Biscuit is overdue to go home.
David Archuleta - "Smoky Mountain Memories"
Obviously someone at Idol is getting a copy of the Rant because they made sure to take plenty of wide shots of the stage so that we couldn't count the number of times he licked his bottom lip and gross out teenage girls across the land. No Tongue Watch. :O( Weezy gets on my nerves, he is pimped by the judges on a weekly basis and he needs to go but not until The Biscuit is gone.
The Rest
Michael Johns - "It's All Wrong But It's All Right"
Michael turned this into a Blues song which actually wasn't bad. It was not my favorite performance from him, however, it did prove that he can sing.
Jason Castro - "Travelin' Thru"
He picked a great song for his style and he was much more comfortable on stage. He seemed a lot less timid then he has been. I like the slight island groove that he gave the song.
Syesha Mercado - "I Will Always Love You"
Syesha, Syesha, Syesha. I would have been able to actually respect you if you had stuck with the Dolly version of this song but noooooo..... you have to try to be a Whitney wannabe. Despite the power note that was meant to impress us all and garner votes, you aren't Whitney and you never will be so give it up. I gave you votes just to kick off you-know-who. If she had gotten kicked off weeks ago, like she should have, I would have been hoping that you were shown the door this week just for daring to be Whitney while working on my nerves.
Carly Smithson - "Here You Come Again"
One of my favorite Dolly songs of all time and I hated her arrangement of it. Slowing down the song allowed her to grace us with the stink eye 5 times. Ugh! Just sing the song like it was written. Dolly is a brilliant songwriter/artist whose career has spanned my lifetime and she really didn't need Carly to try to show her how it is done by dragging out a Clay Aiken version that even he didn't have a lot of success with despite the worship that he still receives from the Claymates. I totally agreed with Simon on the clothes that she wears on stage, though last week's dress was much worse than what she wore tonight.
Should Go
Will Go
Seabiscuit At this point I know it is pointless to beg. I just have to be strong and hope that common sense prevails and she is shown the door.
Dial Idol Predictions
Safe: David Cook, David Archuleta and Michael Johns.
Bottom 3: Ramiele, Jason Castro and rounding out the bottom... Seabiscuit (YES!)
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